Wednesday, October 8, 2014

ATM, Slot Machine, Gossip Corner NOT!

Are you afraid? Perhaps you have things in your life that trouble you or maybe you have trouble even walking out the door some days. Do you have questions? Some things in life just don’t make sense. No matter how you try and wrap your head around it, nothing. Do you have troubles? Is the world piling up on you or are you just stuck on this one level of life? God knows all and see all and he is waiting to hear from you. I have had friends tell me, “Well okay I prayed about this and nothing happened and I didn’t get any answers.” I respond, “Oh, how often did you pray about it?” Reply, “Once.” My Reply, “Okay well how often do you pray in general?” Thats the moment that I usually get the angry glare. How would you feel if someone that you didn’t know came up to you and started asking for help with their personal problems? There is this notion that you should be able to pray to God about anything at any moment and he will do exactly what you want. If he doesn’t then he’s gotta be fake right? God is not a genie, he wants a relationship with you. Yes, he will help you with anything you want but you can treat him like a slot machine where you wait until you are in dire straits and then run up to him all quick and pull the arm and then run away just as quickly no matter if you did or didn’t get what you want. I find the more that I pray and hang with God not only do I live a better and happy life but I also avoid common pitfalls. By reading his word and studying Jesus’s lessons I learn how to treat people and react to people, this is AWESOME for keeping the drama out of my life. When I sit and have a conversation with God it’s not like a common back and forth where I literally hear him in my brain, but rather he speaks to me through the Holy Spirit (some may call it your conscience). If you are new to prayer you may feel like you are lost, nervous and part of you might think that you are stupid for trying. I find it is best to start with something simple like the Our Father. Say it slowly, think about what each word means. It’s the prayer Jesus gave the disciples when he was teaching them in his travels. It sums up so much in a few words. If you have something to say though say it. God just wants to hear from you. Are you happy, glad, sad or angry, it’s okay he wants to hear it. He wants to help but first you have to establish a relationship with him. He’s God not an ATM. He’s your father not a sugar daddy. He’s spiritual advisor not a gossip line. He loves you and he is waiting. This is the beginning, the best part, and on the journey to building a relationship with God it only gets better from here.

Luke 11:1-4

1He was praying in a certain place, and when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." 2And he said to them, "When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. 3Give us each day our daily bread; 4and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive every one who is indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation."

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