Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government Frustration?

I have heard a lot of comments about the current state of affairs with our government. I am not going to take a specific side because I understand the points of both. However when I ask who has voted and contacted their elected officials I hear silence. They work for you. Its time to get involved.

As Ben Franklin said, “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”  If you don't get involved then you only have yourself to blame.

Though some scoff or ignore here is what I took the time to write and send to a variety of my elected officials. I believe in divided government. However now is the time that we citizens stand up and be heard. Do what you will but I encourage you to do something similar...


I would like to take the time to contact you on behalf of my family. I work very hard 40+ hours a week. I understand that you job is quite difficult but can we please come to a conclusion for this current government shut down. The affordable care act was passed to try and help people without insurance to obtain coverage. While we can disagree on the merits of the law it was passed by the laws of our Constitution. We will have opportunity after the government reopens to address this law and the flaws therein. Debate can ensue so that the people of this great country can move forward instead of being indefinitely held in pause.

Many bills have been passed by the house to try and fund the government in the meantime. It seems to me and many of my fellow constituents that play ground tactics of those employed in Congress of the moment are doing nothing but delaying the inevitable. While it is important that deal with the Affordable Care Act appropriately it is also important that we do not loose sight in the short term and take care of the various affairs. I see no reason why passing temporary measures to fund important aspects of our government are held hostage in Congress.

What is most concerning to me though is that we are dealing with a C.R. Why has no Budget been introduced. I have not heard or seen of a budget in some time, years actually. I have to go to work every day and do my job as it is told to me by my employer. I am the employer of Government. I vote for you and expect you to do the job that I employed you to do.

I am very proud of my government and the people which embodies it. I believe in balanced government. I believe that we have 3 branches of government which is made of 2 houses of congress an executive and judicial branch to govern this land. We are supposed to disagree, we are supposed to debate, and most importantly we are supposed to negotiate. That means that we have to talk to each other and be willing to compromise.

The Affordable care act needs to be put in place because it was passed. The Affordable care act has to be changed because it is flawed, but THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO SIT IN IDLE BECAUSE GROWN MEN AND WOMEN CAN GET ALONG!

1.  I believe that those that cannot provide for themselves should be helped by others, and that they deserve healthcare.

2. I believe that it was not fair to allow employer mandate be delayed for a year but not the individual mandate. What's fair is fair either we BOTH get a delay or NO ONE gets a delay of enrollment.

3. I am DEEPLY ANGERED that Congress is EXEMPT from the Affordable Care Act! Congress does not have the right to pass laws that it is EXEMPT from. That my friends is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! I and my friends want that CHANGED RIGHT NOW!

4. I have no problem whatsoever ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING ACTIVELY AGAINST members of BOTH parties that choose to not do their elected duties by coming to the table negotiate and compromise and get the government back up and running.

Both parties are turning our government into a laughingstock on the world stage. I understand both sides, and the passion they have over their views. I respect that you are trying to stand up for what you believe in, but it is time to get to work and get the government back up and running.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We the people of this country support you but your decisions as of late concerning the government shut down need a course change. It is time to come together and move forward. We elected each and everyone in government to stand up and lead for us. To make tomorrows day brighter than yesterday. Together we can do this. Now is the time to move forward, together.


But hey this is me and what I do.

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