Monday, October 9, 2017

"Joy Over Anger" - a Poem

Wind flying in my face
The burn of the air is all around me
Holding in all that I can
I just want to explode
Turning to rage I want to bleed
Or maybe make another's run
Swinging for faces that are not there
I fall to the ground limp and wasted

The thunder it crashes and the rain it falls
Washing away the stains of blood
Pooling around me and then drifting away
Cleansed, anew I think of rising
Still wasted from the rage and all it took from me
I contemplate just digging a hole
Hiding forever and holding my breath
Waiting for a change in scenery

The sun it rises and dries me through
A lightness overcomes my body
In my hole the shadows wane 
I see myself for who I am
Songs from nearby birds tickle my ears
The aroma of blossoming flowers tease my nose
Still in my hole with shadows returning
Will I rise and chase the sun?

Peeking over the edge I see the meadow
I glance and see its drawing beauty
Rising again I push down the earth
Refusing the past's weight to hold me down
Surrounded by the sounds of hope
Life and love dance inside my mind
If  I could just hold on to this light
Perhaps I would ride, not fight, the wind

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