Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Gagged?" - a Poem

Sitting in shock 
I watch all your pain
I know that something should be done

But I can't come to move
And do something for you
So sad I'm not even tied down

What excuse do I have?
If I had one would it matter
I choose the cage that I'm in

While you sit and you wait
I'm taking the bait
And becoming fatter each day

Please won't you pardon
I've got pressing engagements
Like finding the right pet shampoo

I promise I'll be watching
The news on at five
So I can be appalled once again

I'll sit and I'll stare
And I'll rage bout injustice
Let me think of really good hashtag

That extra five dollars
Oh it has a purpose
I need my daily latte'

Oh and I can't go without 
Seeing that movie and shout
About pain while I drink fifty oz. of soda

So as I now move
From task to task
Hoping that I'll never see

I stand in the mirror 
And see imperfections
Perhaps I should buy that new cream

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