Monday, September 30, 2013

New song: "Too Much"

       Relationships are a funny thing. For two people who may seem "made for each other" it becomes all so sour when they get to the point that, "they can't stand each other". Relationships are something that are not made to be disposable. They are like those great old cars. Brand new they run great and with care and maintenance they can last a lifetime. Maybe I am too much of a guy in my analogy, but I don't believe two things. One, Relationships are not to be entered to haphazardly. There is nothing is wrong with dating, but dating is when you see different people to try and figure out who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Once you figure out what you like, want and need in a life long mate then you find the right person and enter a relationship. If the "trial" period goes well then you ask for a hand in marriage and become engaged plan a wedding and live your life together. Not "happily ever after" but you live your life together. You Rock and Roll, Eb and flow your way through it. You grow old learning to know each other and adapting because when you love someone it no longer is about you it is about we and a big part of we is taking care of the other person with what they need, and communicating in an adult manner if you are not getting something that you need. "Need" being the key word there. "Wants" therefore NEED to be evaluated. No one sells themselves off but you work with your partner as a team. 

The following story is an all too common one that even I have found myself in.  In a society that tells us we can have what we want now and that it is okay spawns a lot of unhappy relationships. We might start off fine but get off course because we focus on the ME instead of the WE. We may put undue stress on our relationships by getting the houses, cars, and 2.5 kids in less than 2 years flat. We may botch every relationship we have because we focus on personal pleasure rather than life building. I turn around and see the waste laid in my past choices. Hurt feelings, scarred people (including myself) and a big pit of empty feelings that doesn't get anyone anywhere. The great thing about marriage is that it is supposed to last forever. You have years to get it right and years to get good at it. It takes time, patience, and most importantly love. Love doesn't mean that you will never get angry or have negative feelings for your chosen love, but it does mean that you will conquer those negative feelings and come out the other side stronger if you are persistent.  So if you find yourself in a similar situation as the story that unfolds here. First take a deep breath, its okay. Second, examine what type of relationship you have. What is it built upon? Then try and fix it. I am not saying it is easy but that is what prayer is for. I know that it may sound corny and stupid in this day and age but if you take the time to get down on your knees and pray answers are forthcoming.

“Too Much”

<Verse 1>
Rolling down the winding road
Everything so far away
Caught outside in the rain
And everything that isn’t me

<Verse 2>
She said she needed things
Like travel to foreign Lands
She wanted everything 
She wanted another man  

It wasn’t me It wasn’t her
It was too much to bother
Too much time to save to save it all
Could she cry could he say goodnight
No one seems to know   

<Verse 3>
He said he wanted things
Like a girl warm in his bed
He didn’t know where he was
Or where he was going
So lost all his life
So confused it isn’t right
So he walked away from it all
Into a world that began to fall 

It wasn’t me It wasn’t her
It was too much to bother
Too much time to save to save it all
Could she cry could he say goodnight
No one seems to know   

<Verse 4>
So lost in this land 
Looking for what's right here
So blind for the world
And what it says to have
Can they find their way?
Can they see anything
Perhaps a guiding hand
Perhaps its time to change

It wasn’t me It wasn’t her
It was too much to bother
Too much time to save to save it all
Could she cry could he say goodnight
No one seems to know   

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