Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Digging In and Listening Hard

     I can't tell you why, but for some reason I have started running and lifting weights again. In part I believe I have been doing it because I realized one day what a gift God has given me with this life, and I want to make the most of it. I want to be as smart as I can, understanding, healthy and as spiritual sound as possible. Life is too short why waste it right? Yesterday I came home from a hard day at work and I didn't want to run. In part because I was tired and sore, and in part I was worried that I wouldn't be able to break my previous time. With that inner struggle I went out and ran and dug deep into myself refusing to get up. I looked at my stopwatch only twice. With my first glance it was obvious to me that I wasn't going to break my time. I wanted to stop right there, "what was the point?", I thought. Instead I continued to strive and when I got home and crossed "my line" I looked. I had indeed beat my previous time. I am getting older and I know that one of these days I won't make my time and if I continue I will actually get slower and slower, so what's the point right?

     I'm Catholic, and if you're not you might think that some of what I am about to say is, well, odd. That's okay but know that this isn't necessarily a Catholic post. I'm not out to convert you to Catholicism, but I do encourage you to pray and search for a relationship with Jesus Christ. He's a really cool guy. On my run last night I refused to give up but my run was a cakewalk compared to what Christ endured his last day on this earth. They spit in his face, beat, whipped him and nailed him to a cross, mostly because people of power were afraid of him. What was the point right? Why go through all that? Jesus loves you so much that he took the blame for all the wrong that you and everyone else had done and would do and he let himself be sacrificed for you. He loves you personally, yes personally that much. Jesus didn't see humanity as some faceless crowd. He sees humanity for each one of its participants individually and loves you for who you are. The night before he gave us one of the greatest gifts of all. He gave himself. He gave us the sacrament of the Eucharist so that we can take Jesus into ourselves this very day to strengthen us, because he loves us and understands that this life is hard.

 He gives us this gift and calls us to follow him. He calls us to become a part of his Church so that we don't have to be alone. He invites us to light up this world with love, because he loves this world and wants us all to find our way home. Our home is Heaven. We were made to share in God's divinity. God loves us that much that he wishes to share all with us, but we have to choose. God will not force anything upon us. God is not some sort of benevolent tyrant that will make us do his will and keep all harm from us. He gives us free will and unfortunately we all too often choose sin. God became man and sent his son Jesus to this earth. He walked, taught and loved. He cured and forgave sins. Most of all he shone as an example of how He wanted us to live. How He wanted us to love. How He wanted us to serve each other. Do I love each day the way Jesus would want me to? No, sadly I do not. Why, mostly because I fear the world or what people would think. It's sad it really is. I am better than I once was but I still have a long way to go, but that's okay. I am still on the path and I have the amazing gifts that Jesus left for me. I have his Church, the Sacraments and his words and actions in the Bible to follow. What I cherish most of all though is my personal time with him. Those moments in which I sit with him and peace and quiet and converse with Jesus in prayer. Whether I have had a good or bad day Jesus is there waiting to hear whatever I choose to share. I will admit though, that there are times when I don't say a word. It's not default in our world today, but I sit in silence and just experience his presence and listen. Do I hear a big booming voice which tells me which way to go? No most of the time I will hear the whisper of my conscience pulling me in an odd direction, many times not one that I would choose for myself, but when I do follow I find peace. The world is loud for a reason. Distractions are in every corner. I make no bones about the fact that I realize that I have been born into a spiritual war. My soul is up for grabs. Jesus wants to save me but the devil wants to damn me. It's my choice thought who I choose to listen to.

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