Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fr. John Riccardo - Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?


  1. In my opinion,
    and tell me if I err,
    God sets the world in motion
    but He let's human sinners
    have SOME control...
    as the process of election said:
    the donBgone proves.

    Am i RITE or am i RITE?
    Yes, Fr,
    Im a hardcore,
    no BS,
    Roamin' Cat...
    Chop-my-head off,
    waterboard me,
    hang me...
    Im still a Roamin' Cat.
    i want NO PARTA this world.
    All my friends are Upstairs anyway.
    Cuzz I had an NDE at 15.
    And dats da fak, Jak.

    Meet me Upstairs for a
    Big-Ol beer and we'll tok
    bout celebrating our eternal resurrection.
    Cya soon...
    God bless your indelible soul.
