Friday, March 29, 2013

Hello I am Michael...

Hello my name is Michael. I want to talk about my new picture. I am a Catholic, a Christian, a sinner. I have made mistakes. I have been given free will and because I am flawed. I have sinned. If I have offended you I am sorry. If I am about to offend you I am sorry. I do not judge because after all as my favorite teacher Jesus has taught me, "he without sin cast the first stone".

Awhile ago the issue of Gay Marriage came on to my radar. Hmmm, I thought and that was about that. Again it came up, hmmm I went through my index card filer of a brain and went through points A to Z and at the end decided that I was not for Gay Marriage because of what I have been taught. I will not speak for others but for me when I think of Homosexuality I think of sex. Sex is in the name its self after all. Sex is also in the name Heterosexual. So I started to think. Marriage is not about sex it is about love. Gay Marriage is about loving someone and wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. Maybe I should dig deeper.

At this point I thank you for reading considering my thoughts and hope you continue...

Hmmm, I didn't dig right aways but for some reason the issue of Gay Marriage kept coming up and some interesting things and ideas were being thrown around. I decided to start digging. I am against Gay Marriage because of my religion. I get to practice my religion because I live in America. Hmm...

See I don't have anything against people that are gay. I am not perfect. As I said before I do not believe in judging others because I have been taught that it is wrong and I believe that teaching true. Jesus did a lot to shake things up in the church. I have a big appreciation for that. So I decided to go into my brain pickup the idea of Gay Marriage and sit it in the middle of a big room in my head. Then I took my time and took a walk around. Long story short I am very thankful that I have my freedom to practice my religion. If someone does not agree with my religion fine. I DO NOT HATE THEM. I am taught to love, accept, and share what I know. I am NOT taught to hate. It makes me very sad when people disagree in this country now and someone is accused of hating. Hmmm... I don't hate I just disagree.

So even though I don't believe that Gay Marriage is right I believe that they should have the freedom to marry whom they choose. The fact that the government is involved in marriage is stupid. Were talking about grown people that can't even balance a checkbook. I believe that freedom is freedom and we should be free to do as we please. If we are not hurting each other or limiting each others rights then we should be left alone. And that's how I came to believe that Gay Marriage should be legal. I don't believe that my freedom to worship and I choose and believe what I believe should have the ability to limit someone else choice to love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry.

So my new profile picture... If you are still reading thank you for taking the time to consider what I am saying.

Because I have studied science and religion I believe that life begins at conception. If sperm didn't meet egg then there would be no me. 30 some years ago a sperm met an egg. A life began, my parents had a choice. Choices are not easy but it is freedom. Freedom isn't always easy. Ask any returning veteran from conflict. Freedom isn't always easy. None the less my parents had a choice. They had the freedom to choose. They did, and I am here.

I judge no one. I am taught to love because I am a Christian. I am taught to share. I know that things are not easy. Life is hard but it is also a blessing. I am thankful for everyday that I have. I now have the care of 3 children, God willing, soon 4. I will love them with all my heart. I will make mistakes but I will be a good father and teach them that even Dad's make mistakes and that the best thing to do is to ask for forgiveness. I will teach them to be strong, to love, to accept, and to share. I cannot imagine a day without any of my wonderful children. They teach me so much and I look forward to teaching them.

As I now feel that all people have the right to choose to marry whom ever they want I feel that everyone deserves a chance. Will all babies born live lives that I agree with? No, but they still deserve to live. I don't care what you believe about abortion. You have the right to think what ever you want. I just kindly ask that you consider what I think as I would of your ideas. I don't wish anyone damned to hell for what they choose. I pray that everyone has the opportunity to find love in life. To live free.

So I kindly ask that you consider the notion that everyone conceived has the right to live. That you would consider that everyone has the right to be born to be given the chance to make a difference. To get to grow up. To meet wonderful people, exchange ideas and help to make the world a better place, to have the opportunity to love to marry whoever they want.

If you don't... okay. I don't hate you. I disagree with you and that's all. I have already seen what joy and love my children have brought to the world. I cant wait to see what they will do in the future. You have been given the opportunity to make the world a better place because you are here. You have freedom. I kindly ask that you consider that every conceived child has the same.

So that's what my new profile pic stands for. I hope and pray that everyone conceived receives equal opportunity to live. I will do my best to help my fellow man woman and child along their way.

If you have actually managed to make it to the end of my note. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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