Friday, October 13, 2017

"The Itch" - a Poem

Pausing in my kitchen
I know I hear a scratching
It's coming from the back door
The sound it's unrelenting
Pausing for just a moment 
I think that it's now over
But then it starts in again
The sound it is so gnawing

Walking to the front room
I sit down in my chair
I can hear just out the window
Yeah that scratching, it's out there
I know behind the closed drapes
Is that eerie, old cold stare
Waiting for me to come
It wants to come in here

Jumping from my chair
And heading down the hall
I dash up top the stairs
And turn into my bedroom 
I lay there in my bed 
Waiting now for sleep
But scratching at the rooftop
Is the annoying little claw

It only needs a crack to grab
So that it can take hold
And pull me in that black hole
Where it will tear me into shreds
I can curl up into ball
And cry away the pain
But the only thing that stops it
Is your patient company

So I'll ask you one small favor
Please come and sit by me
I need you more than ever
I'll do anything you say
You know the scratches weak spot
You know how to kill it dead
So please once more sit with me
Please get this scratch out of my head

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